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Have you used the Ebook info on your 5 ways to relax INSTANTLY anywhere? No? Here's why I offered it

Hi, if you've viewed my website you'll have been invited to sign up to receive my Ebook on relaxation techniques that you can use ANYWHERE, for FREE! I know amazing right? so hopefully you got that far, did you receive all of the information? If not it's worth checking your junk folder because those pesky filters can stop you getting the good stuff!

So you've signed up, you've received the emails, but have you practiced them? you don't have to do all 5 at once, hey I don't have time to do all 5 at once, I've got two boys under 7 and a 5 month old puppy ha!

Let me level with you, I put them out there to help people. Just that, no catch, no hidden agenda, hey you don't even need to buy anything from my shop, book a session, or pay for a class to access them, it's all yours! From me, for FREE! The only thing I'm asking you to do is try them all, when you have time, even if you only have 5 minutes, just try them. Now here's the important bit, make that time! Find some time for you, you give so much to everyone else, surely you deserve 5 minutes to press pause on life to see if one of these techniques improves that feeling of impending doom, or that anxiety caused heartburn that you just can't shift? Just try them, when you can, whenever you remember that you have more options that screaming internally or opening the wine at 10am (zero judgement here, lockdown is HARD). Life is stressful, especially these days, so give yourself a break.

Just for a minute, imagine you were giving advice to a friend, what would you say to your friend who was struggling trying to juggle everything and be all things to all people, would it be something like this?: 'Just give it a go, what have you got to lose? It's free, and it might help, so go for it.'

Be your own best friend, and go for it! And if you're looking for more free stuff, check out my Facebook page and YouTube channel too, links are on my website.

Thanks for reading,

Kelly Anne



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