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🌞 Embracing the Magic of Summer Solstice with Family🌞

Dearest Shiny Souls,

As Summer Solstice approaches, I find myself reflecting on the beauty and significance of this celestial event. The longest day of the year holds a profound energy, inviting us to honour the sun's radiant power and embrace the abundance of nature. Today, I want to share with you some rituals that my family and I cherish during this enchanting time, and how I involve my children, including my wonderful son with additional needs, in these sacred ceremonies.

As a mother of two boys, finding meaningful ways to connect as a family is of utmost importance to me. Summer Solstice provides the perfect opportunity to do just that. Here are some ways we celebrate this magical day together:

1️⃣ Sun Salutations: In the early morning, we welcome the rising sun watching the English Heritage live stream from Stonehenge with a gentle yoga practice, incorporating sun salutations into our routine. It's a beautiful way to start this longest day and connect with our bodies, honour the sun’s energy, and set positive intentions for the day. Both of my sons enjoy getting involved, following modified movements for my eldest, and it fills my heart with pride and gratitude to watch them.

2️⃣Sunflower Planting: We gather as a family and plant sunflower seeds, symbolising the sun's vibrant energy. It's a joyful activity that my boys love, as they eagerly dig their hands into the soil and watch their seeds grow into towering sunflowers throughout the summer. Witnessing the joy and wonder in my son's eyes as he tends to his sunflower is truly priceless, he loves anything bright and colourful!

3️⃣ Nature Walk and Picnic: We venture out into the beauty of nature, whether it's a nearby park or a peaceful meadow. With a picnic basket filled with delicious treats, we immerse ourselves in the sights, sounds, and scents of the season. We engage in a scavenger hunt, searching for treasures like feathers, pebbles, and wildflowers. It's an opportunity for my boys to connect with the natural world and appreciate the wonders around them.

4️⃣ Bonfire Ceremony: As the day draws to a close, we come together around a crackling bonfire. With the setting sun as our backdrop, we take turns sharing gratitude for the blessings in our lives, expressing our hopes and dreams for the months ahead. My son, with his unique perspective, brings an innocence and pureness to our circle, reminding us to cherish every moment.

As a mother, it brings me immense joy to see how my son, with his unique gifts and challenges, wholeheartedly embraces these ceremonies. He finds solace and excitement in being involved in mommy's rituals, infusing them with his own special magic, and to see both of my boys supporting each other and sharing their feelings in these ways is just so special.

I encourage you to create your own Summer Solstice traditions, tailored to your family's needs and interests. Involve your children, regardless of their abilities or challenges, and witness the beauty that unfolds. It's through these shared experiences that we create lasting memories and nurture the bonds that hold us together.

May this Summer Solstice be a time of joy, growth, and abundant blessings for you and your loved ones. Embrace the magic of this sacred day and allow the sun's radiant energy to ignite your spirit

With love and light,

Kelly Anne Reiki Master Teacher & Proud Mother

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